Thing Mushroom Trip

Having made it through a nice mild winter we decided we would make a day trip north to the area SE of McCall Idaho.

We had six Things going and we left Boise at 8:30 AM Saturday. Headed north on Hwy 55.

Near McCall we took Boulder Creek Road into the forest. This trip was brought forth because my wife Mare had a note from a co-worker that told where the Mother Load of Morel Mushrooms was located in the forest. This note was written 16 years ago…with no map.

Our Things are set up for back country exploration so we found ourselves out in the tall timber. With no map and faded instructions there was a whole lot of traffic on the radios as to where some of the new logging roads had been built.

Logging roads come in two types……..old and not generally passable, and new and not generally passable. After a couple hours of running around in the green we found the area that most fit the description on the note. 

We have some pics to show what we came upon. One of the ladies found a brand new deer as well.  She took pics and kept on looking for the fungi gold.  We headed home after lunch at the shroom patch. Left plenty of them growing in the forest for others to find as well. Got home to Boise at 5PM. A nice day trip and some time in our Things.














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28th Annual VW Thing Rallye

Destination: Back to the Steam Engine Repair Facility at Ely, Nevada

Always something to see!

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